Friday, March 27, 2009


originally uploaded by GlitzInk.
I have struggled with this piece for such a long time, but I think i'm finally happy with the results....I was trying to force a lot of things to come out of it, and trying to force different elements to work together, so I had to leave it alone for a good while simply because i wanted to chuck it in the trash, but now I think I have it it in a better, grungier place, which is what I wanted in the 1st place. I started it in painting class, and my goal was to feature voodoo as part of the cemetery culture here in NOLA, but at the suggestion of my teacher to include architectural elements, I got lost.... This is Carnivale...the pattern in the left top corner is the voodoo veve(or symbol) for this, and i tried to make it reminiscent of the porch decorations so prominent in NOLA. The angel is a sculpture in one of our cemeteries, and the repeated circles represent dubloons, which are left at alters honoring Carnivale....I am also working on another piece that's part of this series.......hopefully i won't struggle with that one as much now that I've let go a little! ; )

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